Funding & Fundraising

Available Funding from the ULSU

Note: Clubs can only receive one grant per event

Grants provide an opportunity for clubs to host special events for their membership and the student body at-large, attend a conference, go on educational excursions, or to purchase relevant and necessary club supplies. Club & Start-up Grants are intended to promote the purpose of the clubs, increase club membership and recognize the Students’ Union and the University of Lethbridge.

Club Grants: Maximum of $275/semester  - APPLY HERE

Start-up Grants: Maximum $250 during 1st year of start-up - APPLY HERE
(A club is not considered newly constituted if it resembles, in any way, a pre-existing club)

Club Travel & Conference Grants: 25% of total expenses, not exceeding $1,000. If outside of North America maximum is $1,500. Maximum of 2 grants/academic year - APPLY HERE

Quality Initiative Program - Grants: This is a one-time grant not to exceed $10,000 - Contact the VP Operations & Finance regarding your application at Form & proceedure download HERE

Application Process

  1. Read the ULSU Funding policy pertaining to the type of grant being requested.

  2. Applications must be submitted no later than 5 days prior to the event.

  3. Create a letter of Intent, a complete detailed budget of all costs, proof of an active BMO account, proof of registration (if going to a conference).

  4. Submit the online application form and attach documents listed in #3 above.

  5. Your application will be put on the agenda for approval at the next Executive Council meeting.

  6. The VP Operations & Finance will contact you with the results of the meeting. If your application is approved, a cheque will be made available for pick-up within 5 business days.

  7. The ULSU may request a follow-up report, including receipts, once a Grant has been approved.

General Information

  1. Grants may not be used for the purchase of alcohol.

  2. For Club Grants - all U of L students must be invited to attend the function.

  3. Allocation of any Grant is subject to the Students’ Union approval and the availability of funds.

  4. Grants will be given only for events or purchases that occur within the current academic year.

  5. QIP grants are not to be used for fundraisers of any kind. The university will not accept requests that are fundraisers.